


Learn how to adjust your yoga practice better to suit the needs of your unique mind-body constitution. In Ayurveda, there are three mind-body constitution types or dosha; Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Subtle changes to acclimate your practice to your dosha restores harmony to the mind, body, and spirit.


Yoga and Your Dosha.

Fine-tune your yoga practice and honor your unique dosha makeup to restore balance and get the most benefit from your practice.

  • Yoga practice that is grounding, warming, relaxes mental and physical tension, and soothes anxiety and fear is balancing to Vata dosha. Think grounded postures and a regular practice schedule

    Breath is an even rhythm of inhale and exhale. A slow, smooth Ujjayi breath is the best way to keep Vata balanced and ensure good circulation of prana, heat, and a calm mental and emotional state

  • Yoga practice that leaves you feeling cool, relaxed through the mid-abdomen, helps to balance excess intensity, competitiveness, and irritability is balancing to pitta dosha. Think of a practice rooted around the center core, include twisty fun postures, non- competitive setting, and do not generate excess heat

    Emphasize a cooling breathing pattern during asana practice where the exhale is longer than inhale and there is a conscious intention to relax during the exhale

  • Yoga that is warming, invigorates circulation, and makes the mind/body feel light and clear is beneficial to kapha dosha. Do an active and warming asana practice to stimulate metabolism and circulation. Use deep smooth, rhythmic breath with an emphasis on a gentle exhalation, try breath retention
